Shaping the Future of Dental Therapy

The Strategic Plan of the Saskatchewan Dental Therapists Association (SDTA) outlines our vision, goals, and strategies for the upcoming years. This plan is a blueprint for how we aim to enhance the practice of dental therapy, ensure public safety, and promote professional development among our members.

Core Elements of Our Strategic Plan

  • Vision and Mission: Articulate the overarching purpose and aspirations of the SDTA, aligning our efforts to promote excellence in dental therapy.

  • Strategic Goals: Define specific objectives that the SDTA aims to achieve, including regulatory reforms, membership growth, public engagement, and advocacy initiatives.

  • Implementation Strategies: Detail the approaches and methods we will use to accomplish our goals, ensuring that all actions are targeted, measurable, and impactful.

  • Performance Metrics: Establish clear metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of our strategies and the progress towards achieving our strategic goals.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Outline plans for continuous engagement with members, other healthcare professionals, and the public to ensure broad support and collaboration.

Why It Matters

The Strategic Plan is more than a document; it's a commitment to our members and the community we serve. It guides the SDTA in making informed decisions, prioritizing resources, and adapting to the ever-changing healthcare landscape.

Access and Involvement

The full Strategic Plan is available for download on our website. We encourage all members and stakeholders to review the document and understand the direction in which the SDTA is headed. Feedback is invaluable, and we welcome input from all corners of our community to refine and optimize our strategies.

Download the full SDTA Strategic Plan