Guiding Professional Practice and Public Policy

The Position Statements of the Saskatchewan Dental Therapists Association (SDTA) articulate the organization's stance on important issues affecting the dental therapy profession and oral health care in Saskatchewan. These documents serve as a guide for best practices, policy making, and public advocacy, helping to ensure consistent and informed approaches within the profession.

What Are Position Statements?

Position statements are official documents that provide guidance on complex issues within dental therapy. They reflect the consensus of the SDTA on topics ranging from clinical practices to public health policies. These statements are intended to guide dental therapists in their professional duties and to inform the public and policymakers about the perspectives and recommendations of the association.

Key Topics Covered

  • Clinical Practices: Guidelines and recommendations for clinical procedures and patient care, ensuring that dental therapists adhere to the highest standards of practice.

  • Public Health Advocacy: Positions on public health issues, such as access to dental care, preventative strategies, and the role of dental therapists in community health.

  • Ethical Considerations: Guidance on ethical issues, including patient rights, confidentiality, and professional conduct.

  • Regulatory Issues: Opinions and recommendations regarding legislative and regulatory changes affecting the dental therapy profession.

Accessing Position Statements

  • List of Statements: A catalog of available position statements, each linked to a full document. This allows members, healthcare professionals, and the public to easily access and review the SDTA’s positions on various topics.

  • Download Options: Provides options to download or view the statements directly from the website, ensuring that stakeholders can access the information in the format that best suits their needs.

Why They Matter

Position statements are crucial for maintaining the integrity and consistency of practice within the dental therapy community. They also play a vital role in advocacy efforts, helping to shape public policy that impacts the health and well-being of communities across Saskatchewan.

Support and Further Information

  • FAQs: A section dedicated to answering common questions about the purpose and use of position statements.

  • Contact for Inquiries: Information for members or the public who wish to discuss or learn more about the contents of a position statement or the SDTA’s position on a specific issue.