Start Your Career with Accredited Education

The Saskatchewan Dental Therapists Association (SDTA) recognizes the importance of comprehensive education in shaping skilled and competent dental therapists. This page provides information about training programs approved by the SDTA, which meet the educational standards required for registration and practice in Saskatchewan.

Dental Therapy Programs

  • Overview of Schools: Details on institutions offering dental therapy programs that comply with SDTA standards. These programs are designed to provide the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for professional practice.

  • Curriculum and Duration: Information on the curriculum offered by these programs, including duration, course content, and practical training components.

  • Admission Requirements: Guidelines on eligibility and admission criteria for prospective students wishing to enroll in dental therapy training programs.

Certification Process

  • Qualifications Awarded: Description of the certifications or degrees awarded upon completion of the training programs, which are recognized by the SDTA for registration and licensing purposes.

  • Path to Certification: Explanation of the steps from education to certification, detailing how graduates transition from student status to registered and licensed professionals.

Continuing Professional Development

  • Ongoing Education: Emphasis on the importance of continuous learning and professional development in maintaining competency and fulfilling re-licensing requirements.

  • Professional Advancement Opportunities: Opportunities for further specialization and advanced training in dental therapy, enhancing career prospects and professional expertise.

Why Choose a Career in Dental Therapy?

  • Career Opportunities: Insight into the diverse career paths available to dental therapists in Saskatchewan, including roles in public health, private practice, and educational settings.

  • Impact on Community Health: Highlight the significant role dental therapists play in improving oral health care accessibility and outcomes across diverse communities in Saskatchewan.